Friday, 4 January 2008

Traditional Hats...

Traditional hats are just what you are thinking of!  Hats.  Hats are generally created by a milliner.  "Millinery refers to hats and other articles sold by a milliner to women, or the profession or business of designing, making, or selling hats and hat trim to women.  A milliner is a hatter who designs, makes, sells or trims hats."
  There are a number of websites where you can buy hats new or worn once, or hire (rent) hats.
I have selected a number of websites to give you an idea of sizes and prices.  One caveat, as its winter, some of the low cost major hat producers, as opposed to the boutique producers, are still in winter hat mode.  I will post more websites after the season has changed!
One more thought.  If you are thinking of ordering a hat in the UK, you are welcome to have it shipped to my house, or if its in London, I am happy to pick it up for you. 
Mary's of Enfield
Hats for Purchase
Elaine Fashion and Design
Hats fur Purchase
Wedding Hats for You
New and Worn Once Hats for Purchase
(This is a great site with loads of hats!  They will also ship internationally.)
No. 25 of Bourne End
Hats for Purchase
Melita Boutique
Hats for Purchase
Temptation Hat Hire
Hats for Rent
(Great site -- loads of different hats and styles!)
Millinery Matters
Hats for Purchase
3Ds -- Distinctive Decorative Designs
Hats for Purchase

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